Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Make a Commitment!!!!!!

Okay....I went to the YMCA today on a whim. A friend had called me on her way there and it gave the the idea to join them. I asked Sam if he would like to go to the gym and play with Sarah. He said "YES!", so we threw clothes on and headed to the Y. I was able to work out with two very fun girls who are going to help me get committed to workout!!

I had to publish this on my BLOG to hold me accountable. Sam has a great time when his friends are there and I feel so much better when I am finished. It is a win-win situation.

Afterwards- Kathy and I headed to find me some workout clothes, so I can not use that as my excuse anymore. I am on a thrifty mission to find some more but I made a good start today!! Thanks Kath!

Okay- here we go- I am not going to post any before pictures-(that would be scary!) BUT I do hope to get in better shape- I need to take care of what I have. Okay girls- hold me accountable and remember I need encouragement to keep with it! Thanks in advance!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Easter!

I just wanted to take a moment and think about the true meaning of Easter and how it means so much more than just my giving up Doritos for 40 long days!!

I am so thankful for my Bethany family and what it means to have so many special dear wonderful people in my life. Just when I get overwhelmed or think I can't go on because of some crisis that arises, I am just blessed to have so many sisters in Christ, family, and friends to help me (you all know who you are!!). Really this season makes us take a deeper look at the cross and what that means for each of us! Wow- I am thankful for having it to lean on!

Anyway- I wanted to pass along some Easter pictures from the Rowlands. I know it is late (as usual), but I hope you all had a wonderful Easter!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Big Tom!!!!!!

Happy Birthday to Big Tom!!! I can't believe that my dad is the big 60!! That is making me realize how quickly time goes by (and that I am getting older too!!).

I just want to say a few things about my dad! He is one of my greatest heroes and I don't think he will ever know what all he as done for me. My dad is the one who always said that you can be anything you want to be...IF you put your mind to it. The IF is the part I always thought was the hardest- haha!

He has accomplished so much in his life and doesn't realize how many people he has touched. He is quiet- but when he speaks listen up- because there is truth coming your way.

He is very helpful with the grandkids- I don't know what I would have done without his and Gabby's help over the last few years.

He has always been our defender and always stands up for what is right- because it is the right thing to do! We have always had a special bond that only a father and daughter can experience. You better not forget who always rode with you in the old yellow truck!!!

Dad, thanks for all of the memories and thanks for keeping the "bar" so high. You are special to all of us and WE LOVE YOU LOTS!!!! Take a peek at these pictures!! What a fun day we had...

Happy Birthday sign from Grankids!

Happy Birthday Big Tom!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Opening Day For Baseball!!!!

Well, I am a few weeks behind so I want to back up and officially acknowledge the beginning of baseball season. It is officially underway and we will be spending four nights a week at the fields!!! Yeah Spring!!! I actually love the games and the time to visit with friends!

Mills almost decided not to play but then found out that his basketball coach was coaching baseball too. He got on his team and is loving it. On opening day, he hit the ball and it bounced over the fence!! Yeah for Mills- he/we were soooo excited. This is a feat that many try, but not all succeed!!!! He is loving it and is really showing his skills in baseball! I love to see that grin when he makes a good play at first base!! The game on opening day was rained out and Mills was bummed because he wanted another chance to wack the ball out of the park!

Tatum is playing on a team with several of his friends and he is lovin it! My dad, Big Tom, is the assistant coach and Tatum gets alot of hands on training. He is also the star 1st baseman and is practicing pitching on the side. On opening day he made several great plays at first and had a solid hit that made it to the fence. It was a great ego booster and I think he will have a very successful season. We are so proud of both of them and are looking forward to a fun

And we can not forget the 3rd BASEBALL STAR!!! Sam got dressed in old uniforms of the boys and had a great time! He sure looked the part! Too bad he missed the cutoff by 9 little days! Just wait- next year he will be the tee-ball star!

Sam and Mills gave a quick smile for the camera!! They look so cute!

I will keep updates throughout the year and let you know how my SUPERSTARS are doing!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Ohh I Treasure the Moment!

Well, needless to say, things have bit a bit busy over here the last few weeks. In between looking for a job, getting a job, and actually starting work (HealthSouth) there has not been much time for many extras in the Rowland family. I feel like I have fallen short in all areas especially the "mom role" because I have been so distracted.
Our normal life has continued as usual... we have transitioned from basketball to baseball and winter to the much anticipated spring!!! During this time we have all been a little under the weather with colds (Tatum, Mills, and Sam), ear infection (Mills), sinus infections (Mills and Sam), and just plain old pollen allergies!!! Speaking of pollen- everything is covered right now. I was driving along today and saw a cloud of yellow blowing across the street. A sure sign that the pretty weather is here!!!! Yeah!!!! I truly love the fall and campfires is the winter- but I am ready for some fun outdoor activities!!! (minus the no see-ums). Also it has been so pretty riding and seeing all of the trees and flowers exploding with color- so we will take the pollen if we must!

Anyway, during all of this whirlwind of activity, there are moments that just make you smile and realize that life is precious and we do make a difference in this crazy world. Just last week, Mills stayed home sick from school and I had been washing clothes and cleaning out closets (making the seasonal clothes exchange in the boys closets) ALL day long. Mills and I decided to take a game break and play Bananagrams. Mills was getting it ready while I finished putting some clothes in the dryer. When I came back, this is what I found spread across the table.....
At that moment I realized that all of the craziness that I am feeling and going through does not change who I am in my kids eyes. I was teary eyed and so thankful for the moment. A little moment, but none the less a great moment. Mills made me feel special and I just have to stop and remember that as busy as things get, this is the compliment I want most from my kids. A few days later, he told me that he couldn't find the letters for "great" before I came back into the room so he had to stick with "good". Hey, I am happy to get the word "good"... I'll take it and run. Thank God for my 3 blessings!!!