Saturday, February 21, 2009

Oh the Mountains

We had a great trip to the mountains over President's Day weekend. We met Keith's parents there and just enjoyed a much needed change of scenery. We enjoyed the first day waking up in the mountains and sipping that first cup of coffee that began a day of adventure. We hiked, canoed, rode in a paddleboat, went fishing (no luck- the pond was way down), played on the playground, and rode scooters all through the extremely hilly neighborhood, and just enjoyed each other.

It was great fun to just relax for a few days. On the last morning, we had a BIG SUPRISE!!! The whole place transformed overnight into a winterwonderland. (They weren't even calling for snow!) This was the good packing snowball fight kind of snow! The boys had a blast getting everyone! Luckily- I had the camera...I was somewhat safe! The amazing thing is that as we were leaving the neighborhood, we noticed that there was not any snow anywhere except in our neighborhood! It truly was a blessing! God is so good!!

Keith even had to sweep out the truck to get our stuff packed.

Well, back to reality and busy schedules- we enjoyed the trip but there is no place like home. We all like to return to our normal life!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like great fun my friend!!! The pictures are precious!
